Nicholaus in the house.
Midnight called some hookers, Nintendo & some Chinese restaurants.
Barry's show was good until he started dating his girlfriend.
Starting a business.
Mystery has A.D.D.
David DeAngelo the marketer.
Fake happy.
Gurus are not qualified to help you.
Analyzing Mr. Right.
Homeless people.
People on PuaHate that could use some meds.
Get rid of seduction crap, just act normal.
Podcast goals.
The addict gene.
I liked this one. Midnight is getting better at improvising and keeping the flow. You and Nick had some good chemsitry especially towards the second half. I'd say this is Midnights best show so far, and Nick should be on every show I think. Everyone knows you run the site and keep it alive, I know youre real busy but if you could take 45 min once a week to do the show I think it will be a plus.
Still think you need Mr Right on there for the comedic relief, or even Lefty who is surpringly good on podcasts when he's inspired. I'd like to hear more about Nick's first run trying out the PUA shit, and Midnight's history as well. You guys both have a twisted sense of humor, I think thats what i liked about it the most.
Midnight, do you use a laptop when you record the show? There seemed to be a hum/buzz in the backround at times, that usually happens when you have the charger plugged in; try fully charging the laptop before you do the show and the backround noise should be cancelled.
Not sure what software you use to record, but try out Call Burner. Its free trial, and the advanced package is like $30 a year, but its worth it since the qualiy of the calls improves dramtically.
Also you mentioned you found it difficult to add a 3rd person to the call, and that it only lets you put people on hold while you call the other number. This happened to me all the time on my old laptop, and i'd have to restart Skype for it to give me the option to add another person to the call. Im not sure why this happens, but it may be due to the CPU being tied up running other programs.
I always make sure everything is off in the task manager running applications except for skype and call burner. I even turn off my anti virus as well (tho with the new laptop i dont have this problem.
What type of mic are you using? Radio Shack has Logitech USB headsets which sound really good and its only like $20. I think you guys should also rotate LUCIFER on there since I think he fairly represents the attitude and "hate/lulz" that is puahate.com Just no more prank calls, cause they really arent that funny, and carry the stigma of being what you resort to when theres nothing else to do/talk about.
And doesnt seem you do much in post production as far as effects etc, but if you ever do I can show you how to do that using a great free program called Audacity.
Hopefully the shows keep coming along weekly, I enjoy them all.
I don't want to sound snarky because I enjoyed listening to the podcast, contrary to my expectations, but Nick it sounds like you're breathing through your mouth too much. It sounds a bit worrying, to be honest. Have you tried Clarinase before? That stuff clears my nasal passages right up but I don't take it all the time, only when I need to.
This was a very chilled out podcast, zero moronic content, and none of that fake high energy shit I hear so much on radio shows and other podcasts.
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Nickolaus knows his seduction quite well.
I like Mystery ADD issue he pointed out.
I would have liked to hear the prank calls..
maybe next one